This Friday: A public keynote lecture by Dr Rachel Herz in Wageningen!
This Friday, Rachel Herz PhD, neuroscientist and a leading world expert on the psychological science of smell and TEDx speaker, will be presenting a Keynote lecture on May 24 at WIOS2019 summarizing 30 years (!) of her olfactory research. Her presentation is open to the public.
Dr. Herz recently summarized the science behind food in her book ‘Why you eat what you eat: the science behind our relationship with food’, not only explaining everyday behaviors around our eating habits (for example, why do you buy more treats when you bring a reusable bag to the supermarket?), but also discusses how we may change our behavior to promote healthier living, for example by using smells to point into the healthy direction. More information on this book, including purchase options, can be found on Amazon.
For more information about visiting WIOS or getting to the symposium, please click here.