Boost je bewustzijn: lichaamsgeur
We krijgen dagelijks miljoenen prikkels te verwerken. Misschien wel meer dan ooit. Maar hoe ons brein dat voor elkaar krijgt
Read moreWe krijgen dagelijks miljoenen prikkels te verwerken. Misschien wel meer dan ooit. Maar hoe ons brein dat voor elkaar krijgt
Read moreThe symposium “Lost in translation: The journey from fundamental science to product application” was dedicated to Professor Ep Köster who
Read moreMonique Smeets recently participated in a round-table discussion on environmental odour annoyance in a House of Representatives (Infrastructure and Water
Read moreAn accessible read in the Nature Outlook series on the effects of body odour as medium for social communication on
Read moreTogether with NOSE member Monique Smeets, Snitz et al. developed a web-based olfactory screening tool for COVID-19, which relies on
Read moreIn a global team-effort, scientists, including NOSE member Monique Smeets, discovered genetic variants linked to the perception of the musky
Read moreOh, how we all long for a REAL conference – to discuss science, meet people new and old, and be
Read moreMonique Smeets contributed to a piece on human chemical communication on “Chemistry World”. She talked the efforts from her and
Read moreNOSE-members Jasper de Groot, Ilja Croijmans, and Monique Smeets published their perspective paper “More data, please: Machine learning to advance the
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