NOSE at ECRO! – LIVE from Portugal (13-16 sept)
Oh, how we all long for a REAL conference – to discuss science, meet people new and old, and be away from the day-to-day business of research and teaching from home – instead of another virtual online meeting in Zoom or Teams.. Well, this will happen: September 13-16 you can meet your fellow smell and taste scientists in Portugal, for ECRO 2021!!
For most of us, this will be the first LIVE meeting in 1.5 years, so that will be special in itself. But there’s more: ECRO 2021 is extra special as we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of ECRO, the 30th anniversary of the discovery of olfactory receptors, and the 20th anniversary of the discovery of TAS1Rs. ECRO 2021 aims to bring together world-renowned experts in chemoreceptive sciences to discuss the latest developments and drive scientific knowledge forward. We meet to inspire, and be inspired by, today’s leaders in chemosensation, and dare to imagine the future of what chemoreception could be in another 50 years!
The conference will be held in beautiful Cascais, located 30min from Lisbon at the beach, in a historic converted fort. But not only will the location be great, we are also very excited about the program reflecting the past, present and future of smell and taste science: Monday will start with a pre-symposium on Social chemosignaling (with NOSE member Jasper de Groot as invited speaker) and Nutrition (chaired by Sanne Boesveldt). Tuesday is reserved to look back at the amazing achievements of smell and taste giants from the past, such as the discovery of olfactory receptors (Linda Buck) and taste receptors (Charles Zuker). But there’s also a special lecture by one of the most renowned Portuguese chefs, Jose Avillez. On Wednesday you can chose from sessions by young investigators, insect chemosignaling, new technologies in taste research, olfactory regeneration, nutrient sensing, and a keynote lecture by Bob Datta. The day will end with a spectacular Gala dinner, so be sure to bring your dancing shoes! On Thursday we will take a broad perspective, with sessions on innovative methods for clinical diagnosis (organized by Elbrich Postma), the chemosensory connectome, odor cognition (organized by NOSE members Ilja Croijmans, Monique Smeets, and Laura Speed), and the social sciences and humanities. The conference will close with an outlook on ECRO in 50 years: what will the future of chemosensing look like??
For more information and registration, check
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Sanne Boesveldt, NOSE member and co-organizer/program committee of ECRO 2021