NWO open competition XS grant for a project on the smell of fear in interpersonal communication
Imagine walking into a room and, without realizing it, sensing fear through smell. The subtle behavioral effects of this are quite extensively uncovered by NOSE members Jasper de Groot and Monique Smeets and others, with lab-based research that show that people can detect fear in body odours. But perceiving the ...
Flavour, not a sensory system, or is it?
Flavour is a well-known topic, as we all eat, yet at the same time a topic you can easily spend discussing about for hours. This is because the involved sensory systems, smell, taste, mouthfeel, are so complex. In this podcast I was interviewed by the ‘British Society of Flavorists’, to ...
Night of Discoveries (Nacht van de Ontdekkingen)
On Saturday 14 September, the art and knowledge festival The Night of Discoveries took place at the, the Hortus Botanicus of Leiden University. It was an evening full of innovation and creativity with novice makers, young researchers and artists. NOSE members Caro Verbeek and Sanne Boesveldt took part with inspiring ...
Post-doc job opportunity!
Are you looking for a post-doc in olfactory science? Maybe this opportunity to work with NOSE member Astrid Groot is of interest to you. The general goal of this project is to “crack the code” of olfactory molecules (smell, odor) with the help of machine learning. Olfactory (smell, odor) interactions are the language ...
PhD opportunity!
Are you passionate about the nuances of sensory experiences and how we communicate them? Join the Centre for Language Studies (CLS) as a PhD candidate to delve into the interplay of experience and concreteness in smell and flavour languages. The Centre for Language Studies (CLS) is looking for a PhD ...
A Taste of the Science of Eating
This post is a personal message from Garmt Dijksterhuis, NOSE member and author of the book 'A Taste of the Science of Eating': "My 2017 book, in Dutch ("Hoe smaakt het?"), has been fully updated and translated into English. It will be published by Springer Nature Publishers in July 2024 ...
KWF Kankerbestrijding geeft geld aan een onderzoeksproject naar smaaksturing en smaaktraining van patiënten met kanker.
Smaak- en reukveranderingen door chemotherapie en tyrosinekinaseremmers komen veel voor. Hierdoor vermindert de kwaliteit van leven van patiënten met kanker en hun naasten. Toch blijven deze veranderingen vaak onbenoemd. Helaas zijn er geen bewezen effectieve behandelingen. Een landelijk consortium, bestaande uit onderzoekers van het UMCG Groningen, het Ikazia Ziekenhuis in ...
NOSE-member Jasper de Groot wins Radboud Science Award 2023
NOSE-member Jasper de Groot (second to the right in the picture below) was honored to receive one of the prestigious 2023 Radboud Science Awards from primary school students and Radboud University Rector Magnificus José Sanders (on the right). As part of this esteemed recognition, Jasper had the opportunity to deliver ...